Hello Grumpy Bobby here, now that John and Brenda are back off holiday,
you would think things would be back to normal. They are not because Brenda broke her ankle on the Monday before they came home on Friday, John said the Dominican Republic is no place to break bones. It got plastered up there. She went to hospital when she got back to have it checked out on Saturday and they have made her stay in.
They said she has to have an operation, they are doing a cat scan on it they should do a dog scan they might have more luck.
It seems it is a lot worse than they thought her heel and other bones are damaged as well.
Brenda sat relaxing in her wheel chair while John pushed her about in very hot weather, and he said he had to run about for her, well that makes a change. We have been to the beach and the park, so its not so bad but I do wish Brenda was home. I dread to think what the sausage will be like, I hope John does not burn them.