This is to thank all the people who foster animals but mostly the people who give them their forever homes and the love and care they need. I am a foster dog others come and go but no one wants me. bobby.grumpy@gmail.com
Hi John and Brenda,
Remember me? Yes its Danny, although I’m now called Eddie, which I like quite a bit. My new owners couldn’t keep calling me Danny because three of the younger humans friends are called Daniel and it would be a bit confusing. I like my new home, I have a new little bed and a new collar. My owners think I’m gorgeous and are always cuddling me, especially the little ones. I’ve got a big garden to play in and I’ve also got other puppy friends. I haven’t been out much because the snow is so deep but I can’t wait to run around on the grass when the snow melts. I miss you both but I love my new home, I’ve been very good with my housetraining, I’ve only had one accident and I sleep all night after all the exercise I get playing with the children. Say hi to Holly, Pip and old grumpy pants Bobby for me.
See ya!