Sunday, 27 May 2012

Here we are at the beach its nearer to us
but it does not have a pub.

The cliffs are falling away and there are lots
of caves, but we stay away because they
could be dangerous.

Little Cara even got her feet wet.
We were enjoying  the beach.
We had our water with us it was so hot
Then look what happened the mist came
in off the sea.
It got very thick

So we went up to my country park that
once was pit heaps.

Away from the coast it was sunny again.

 Little Cara had a new home to  go to.
So this was our last day together
Cara has now gone to a new home,
so we wish her a happy life.
This is her getting a nurse
from her new dad.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, that mist cam in thickly, didn't it? Good thing you have that nice park to go to have fun. We are so happy for little Cara, but we will miss seeing her here.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lorenza said...

That mist sure was a big surprise for all of you!
Glad you went to the park to continue your great day!
I am very happy for Cara!
Looks like she feels safe with her new dad!
Kisses and hugs

Jo's World said...

Cara and her new Dad is a very nice picture. We wish her the furry best for her future!

Cheers and hugs for you too, Bobby, who are so good for the pups who come to you.


Martha said...

All the best to Cara, we like the picture of her with her new dad, we have the feeling she will be just fine.
We love your beaches, so much sand. The mist looked a little scary and reminded the human of that movie 'the fog' - we think that was a bit before our time and we have not seen it.
You are all enjoying the sunshine - the country park looks nice too. We see you too have to step over fallen over branches/trees!

Raycillient said...

Cara and her new dad pic was cute :) happy to know she found home :)
The beach look nice with all those caves you mentioned. If i was there i would be in them already of course with my dog entering the caves first hehehe :))

Asta said...

Not only does that beach not have a Pub, but you could have been buwwied by falling sand and lost in the mist..thank dog you wewen't and awe safely home aftew such a big adventoowe..I hope little Cawa has a lovely life wif hew new family

I hope you nevew leave yoows Bobby, cause they'd be totally lost wifout you
smoochie kisses

Little Bess said...

Awww. Bobby, you are such a good boy finding Cara a new home, she looks as if she will be very happy. I wonder who you will have next to look after?
I am fine here and being good most of the time!!!
love Little Bess xx

Elaine Pritchard said...

Looks like you guys had a great time out and about in the sunshine!

Cara looks very happy with her new dad, I hope she enjoys her new home.

Love and licks, Winnie