The Mop went to play with them I just stayed by the wall trying to keep warm.

After the other furbodys had gone he came and asked for his ball again, John threw it but when he came back he was worn out.

This is to thank all the people who foster animals but mostly the people who give them their forever homes and the love and care they need. I am a foster dog others come and go but no one wants me. bobby.grumpy@gmail.com
The Mop went to play with them I just stayed by the wall trying to keep warm.
He has as you can see put weight on since this picture was taken, and he is now building muscle up on his legs. He had been fastened by his front legs to the floor and had a muzzle on all the time he could not lap. He was putting his face in the water and shaking it to drink he did not know how to lap. The RSPCA have not found the person responsible yet.
Susie stood and watched as he chased the other dog away, when he came back she said he could be her very best furend and play with her ball when ever he wanted. I had my red bandanna on that Ben the Rotti sent me and no one said I looked cool. I will ask John can we go out without the Mop I can not stand all this Super dog stuff.
Now this is a long way off but as it got light more dogs were on the beach, now I know you pedigree types are used to seeing dogs that look just the same as you, I am not but there it was my double I could not believe my eyes. We went off to share the same wall waging our tails at each other.
John said come on we will go now, I said to the Mop come on we are going home for our breakfast, he wanted to stay, but I said think about that nice warm fire and being nice and cosy, it was cold and windy so I was pleased to come home.
He is about as big as me but I have grumped at him, he will have to go to the vets to be neutered, and he needs to learn some manners.
I still wanted the squeaky dog off Susie and Mary the Mop said he liked their present best too, he was going to play with one.