Wednesday 17 February 2010

Hi mam Martha and Bailey here,
We are in Egypt, we went on a Nile cruise, and wore their traditional dress the Gallibaya for a special night we had a great time.
We went sight seeing but then the two boys got out of hand.
Pip was a bit quite at first because you mentioned his affliction, John had said nobody notices his ears. We lied and said we never noticed before, so we finally got him to start enjoying himself again.

Then Eric and Martha did a daft thing, they jumped on an ancient monument,so we are being escorted to the Airport and sent home
Eric is being flown straight to London,
We are flying to Newcastle to pick the car up, we will see you tomorrow, Pip is still upset about the ear comment, so he said he just wants to get home now.

How did those two get here.


Martha said...

Well at least we know where they are!
Oh how I wish I hadn't mentioned Pip's affliction - personally I think it is kinda cute....
I once had a GSD called Petra who had the same affliction!
I do hope Pip can get over this.
Let me know when they arrive.
M & B's Mum xxxx

Stella said...

One exciting adventure after another. I am surprised Eric and Martha didn't wind up in jail after the statue incident. They are lucky just to be sent home.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I am exhausted reading your adventures.......phew!

Pip's ears are fine. The more unusual the ear, the better the character in my opinion.

lotsa of laughing licks, Marv xxxxxxxx

Ms. ~K said...

Oh My Word, they're lucky the didn't end up i jail for that stunt! chuckle!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

ClarityDefinesYou said...

Oh gosh they are living it up arent they :)lucky mates :)

Eric said...

GROSS MISS and Martha get deported for climbing a bit of old stone. WHAT ABOUT THOSE PESKY OLD WHEELIES???? Running their old wonky wheels over all the rocks and starting that landslide? Funny now I'm barking that I haven't seen them since then.Hope they aren't like cats with their nine lives are they Bobby?

Wiry wags

TwoSpecialWires said...

There goes Eric talking bad about the wheelies again. See what we mean? It wasn't PIP that set him astray. He's a feisty boy. Says what's on his mind and doesn't hold back. (That's one reason we love him.)

About that body part. Fergi has a chunk outta one of hers, and she's never ever thought of it as an affliction. Just a battle wound.

We're tired.
Jake (and Fergi)