Monday 16 November 2009

We went to the beach today, Pip said to Jerry I will show you once more how to dig a hole to wee in.
Jerry looked like he was paying attention .

This time we all saw him, and there was no denying it.
Pip said now I am sick of your dirty habit, I will bite your butt.
Jerry started to run away with Pip chasing after him.

He almost caught him but Jerry was to quick.

So I shouted Jerry to come with me.

He came running over
I said never mind the digging holes follow me, I will show you what to do, go to the rocks .
T hats right any rocks will do, now do what I do and do not dare cock your leg on me.
Stupid daft dog followed me about and did not cock his leg once.
In the end I just said aw kiss my furry butt.


Martha said...

Hi Bobby, well we think both you and Pip are doing a great job with trying to teach Jerry!
Pip must be getting a lot of baths and the weather is turning cold.
We being girls cannot think of anything to suggest!
Maybe John will have an idea!!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bobby!
This time you have the proof!
Jerry is so... so.... you know!
Glad he did not do it to you!
Kisses and hugs

TwoSpecialWires said...

You guys love each other, and you know it. WE know it! And we love your silly escapades. There are LOTS of things us four-leggeds can teach the two-leggeds. Yep. It's true.

Jake (and Fergs)

susie said...

susie here hope bobby is doing ok havent seen you for a while