We would like to thank Eric and his mum for all the presents and treats, lucky the parcel came before little Holly went to her new home.
She had a nice red collar and lead to go with, and a special toy, and a bag of mixed treats.When the parcel came Pip and Holly set about opening it while I was asleep, Holly had said to Pip move away I will show you how to open it.

Holly had more idea than him.

She set about it and John said this is great it will keep them busy all day.

Well it did not take long John just had to pick up the bits flying off, and Holly told Pip everything was for her.
Pip stood a long time trying to read what it said, then he said it is to share its not all for you. That is little Holly's special toy on the top.

Hi Bobby, how exciting! A parcel full of goodies - like xmas all over again.
That was very kind of Eric and his mum.
We are glad it came before Holly went to her new forever home!
Tell Pip we wish him a very happy birthday.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
What fun!!! A whole bunch of goodies to share. You know some nice peoples to send you pressies. Nice that Holly got to be a part of the present before she went to her new home. That is so good~!!!
Ernie, Sasha, & Chica
Happy Birthday to Pip The Brick!
And what wonderful surprises in the parcel from Eric and his Mum, how kind people and dogs are!
We wish Holly luck in her new home too!
lotsaluv and many licks, from Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
love from Jeannie too, but she goes easy on the licks..... ;0D
Miss Holly is a smart cookie. Pip is very smart, and he is cute to boot.
Sally Ann
Hi, Bobby!
Those are pawesome presents! Eric was very nice sending them to you all!
Sea biscuits?? Sounds delicious!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Barkday Pip! Have a sooper dooper day! That was wagging to see you opening the boxes. Made me n Mom put on our happy faces. Holly was wickedly good at opening the boxes,must be a girlie thing like shopping I guess. Supersmart though and a wee bit cunning!!!
Glad you like the seabiscuits Bobby. I'll do anything for one of them..teehee think that's why Mom buys them. I'll send you a linky of where to get them if you want it cos not many shops have them yet.
Wiry love n kisses Eric xx
Well Happy Late Birthday!! We must say we had NEVER thought of actually standing ON the package to open it..Will give it a try next time!! We hope Holly is having a lovely time at her new house( we have heard through the dog grape vine that she is) and we can HIGHLY recomend the sea thingies...Erik sent us some and we were DROOLING!!! Love A+A
Happy Belated Birthday, Pip! What a great way to celebrate (and with Holly and Bobby, too!) with the pawsome pressies from Eric and Square Mom. Aren't they the greatest!?! We're waggin' happy for ya!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Pressies are the BEST!!
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