Sunday 21 December 2008

Look at me I can not even get on my bed, the two little gremlins have put toys on it they have jumped all over my bed and fought on it, now its all messed up. Tilly has been worse than the Mop today she went and dug in soil and came in with dirt all over her.

John told her Santa Paws will not come to dirty dogs, so she ran and jumped in the bath, what a daft dog, there is no water in.

John had to rinse her down to get the dirt off her, then we were all relaxing and Tilly disappeared, there she was again standing in the bath.

She said she wants to be really clean for Christmas so she will get some presents.
The Mop is worried about the Labrador he said he was his friend and would he get anything off Santa Paws. John said he was sure he would, the Mop did become very friendly with him, he listened to the poor thing.
He tried to comfort him, John said he is sure the Mop has been here before because he is very understanding for 10 months old.
But to me he is just a daft dog who looks like a Mop with little legs.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bobby!
I can see the kids have been having fun!
Sure Tilly deserved that bath!
I'd love to have baths everyday but my mom does not agree with me!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs

Martha said...

There is nothing like a good dig in the garden! Wishing you all the very best Xmas with lots of squeakies and treats. Look after Bruno.
Basset kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
(ps have helped mum with blogger ID!)