The Mop was really enjoying the turnip when Tilly took it off him so he grabbed it back and would not let her have any.
This is to thank all the people who foster animals but mostly the people who give them their forever homes and the love and care they need. I am a foster dog others come and go but no one wants me. bobby.grumpy@gmail.com
John went out today and came back with a big Labrador called Paddy, the poor lady is not well and can not look after him. He is very big and strong the Mop and Tilly thought he was great they followed him about and the Mop kept throwing himself in front of him. Tilly was trying to get him to play with her. But he was to busy exploring so he did not play.
Tilly was pretending she was a statue,so was the Mop.
Hi, Little Tilly has been to see a great family, they liked her very much and it is a nice home for her. She is staying here until after her operation, she has not had it yet because they need to be sure she is totally fit first.Once she is all sorted she will be going. John said she will be all settled in for Christmas so that will be good.
John was going on about Christmas, he said Brenda will start to shop soon once she starts it goes on right to the last minuet. I was with John and Brenda last Christmas, I got some presents, I got a few squeaky toys and a stocking with dog chews in and a ball, the ball was OK but I did not like the dog treats in the stocking,. I think Brenda got it from the £ shop,
I will ask her to get me one from Harrods this year I have heard it is the best place for dog things..
Well it has started, in came Brenda with tins of sweets Quality Street, Cadbury Roses Heroes, and a tin of After Dinner Mints, but no one is allowed to touch them they are put at the back of the cupboard until Christmas.
John is going on about it being the same every year all sorts of extra food sweets dates cake fruit, posh biscuits but we will not be able to have any until Christmas. Then he said on Christmas day after dinner when every body is full she will get everything out, all the sweets biscuits cake mince pies and loads of other stuff and say go on help yourself. John said no one will want anything then, everybody is too full. I guess there is no chance of me getting my Christmas selection box early then.
Wow I am freezing It is so cold , we went to Tunstal hill this morning and got caught right at the top in a down pour of hail stones. The Mop has not known a winter yet so he did not know what was going on. He was so frightened that he ran back to the van. He was first in when John opened the door, It is his fault we can not go to the park because he still runs in the water and it is to cold. If we could go there it would be more sheltered, but because of him we have to go up the hills and nearly freeze our butts off. We have just come back again from the hills it is colder than ever We were all muffled up and it was still cold. I think the Mop is wondering where the warm weather went, John said he is going to have to get used to the cold he thinks it will be a bad winter, I might hibernate until spring.
Look how the daft thing has gone to sleep after we came in from the hills. I don't think Brenda will be able to keep her legs like this for long.
Bye for now Cold Grumpy Bobby