Friday 7 November 2008

What a night that was, no more punch for me.

This is Tom and he is six years old John went out and came back with him, he is quite nice, we just sort of ignore each other. John said he will probably be going to a new home soon, and he is a very good dog , he comes as soon as you call his name, and is really good in the house. Well what does he think I do and I am good in the house, he gets right up my nose every dog he brings in is better than me, well that's what he says ..

Have the fireworks stopped yet.

We were so frightened of the fireworks on Guy Forks night, and what is worse they are still setting them off. They are having bonfires and fireworks displays tomorrow night so we can not go for our late walk I have nearly shook to bits.
We were at the park it was just 1540 and some one let a firework off I nearly jumped into Marys arms, its a good job she knows me and likes me.

John brought us straight home and I cuddled in at one side and Tom at the other we both were shivering, John turned the TV up and shut the curtains so we felt better.

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