Hi Grumpy Bobby here,
The daft Mop started to do his throw myself in front of the dog act to little Spot. I was thinking stupid thing little Spot will tear your throat out.

This is to thank all the people who foster animals but mostly the people who give them their forever homes and the love and care they need. I am a foster dog others come and go but no one wants me. bobby.grumpy@gmail.com
Look at him if he was a mop by now you would toss it out and get a new one. How could they have called this thing Pip, my name for him is more appropriate. Brenda went to book him in the beauty parlour weeks ago and they could not do him until October the 9th. So any young ones wondering what to do I would suggest you go into grooming Mops and other poncy dogs.
Well Brenda is back and we have had really nice sausage snacks in the evening, the chicken was cooked to perfection, so I am quite happy. John is useless as a cook he thinks you can walk away and the food will take itself out of the oven when its ready. The washing was something else all covered in red bits. Here is John coming I better go or he will see I am calling him.
Hi I am sick of burnt sausages Brenda is away in Cheshire to see her parents. When she is here we often get a sausage for a snack in the evening..Brenda usually gets them at Asda when they are reduced, she left two packs for John to cook. I sat down to do the blog last night and they were in the pan, John forgot about them. Me and pip could smell them before John did by then they were black, so he had to scrape them. I still ate mine and Pip ate his but I was not happy about it. That is every night since Brenda went away we have had burnt sausage.
So I was laughing to myself this morning when John put his glasses on and the little plastic thing that goes on his nose had fallen out of his glasses, he was obviously not thinking straight because he started feeling all over the floor, well the Mop wanted to see what was going on so he started sniffing and guess who found it first and started chewing it, John started chasing him shouting leave, but he ran around, then when John finally caught him he swallowed it.
I hope Brenda has not left for good I like her cooking, also John is having senior moments he went upstairs for his jumper, then came down without it, and had to go up again. Its OK for you Ben, you get biscuits made for you and I see on other dog blogs they get cakes. I get burnt sausage for a treat. The Mop is here to stay poor thing I feel sorry for him but as he is a daft dog he just walks about wagging his tail.