Hi Grumpy Bobby here,
The daft Mop started to do his throw myself in front of the dog act to little Spot. I was thinking stupid thing little Spot will tear your throat out.
Then next thing that happened I could not believe my eyes he is as daft as the Mop
We all went to the beach this morning and John decided to let Spot off the lead, he ran about and really enjoyed himself playing.
Then the Mop ran into the sea and Spot followed I think he got a big shock he was not used to the water or it was too cold for him.
Then we went to the park this evening and Spot met some of our friends he growled at first and then he just stood, I think he is a bit nervous but he loved it when he was picked up and nursed soft thing.
is it like having two Mops? just one less furry?
I didn't realise Spot was so small!
He is virtually pocket sized..
Ben x
John what about today, the bite, not off spot, and the veg oil, please tell
liz x
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