This is to thank all the people who foster animals but mostly the people who give them their forever homes and the love and care they need. I am a foster dog others come and go but no one wants me. bobby.grumpy@gmail.com
Big Ned he pulled so hard, I did not know what to do,Then I found my spell book and read it through and through.
The spell that I found said it would reduce a dog to size, So I cast the spell, and Ned shrunk before my eyes.
Then I took him for a walk, it really was a treat. As tiny little Ned stayed right beside my feet
Alas my spell was faulty, and much to my surprise, Ned began to grow past his normal size.
People and there dogs we did quickly pass, as Ned he just dragged me all around the grass.
I thought I had better head Ned straight for home, by the time we got there this is how he'd grown.
Hi I was going to tell you about two pups that came to stay with us that Brenda named Tod & Meg until my friend Alfie brought something on the pawzforthought.org site to my attention well he was my friend until he has taken the mick.
How would you like it Liz if I called you booby on the web, now as you can see by this picture I do not have boobs, so I object to being called Booby.
First of all I was bottom of the list now I am moved up and get called Booby no wonder I cant get a home. Booby certainly would suit you but not me. Now you have made me show the picture of me getting a cuddle no boobys, my street cred will be gone. I am not a happy bunny about this its a good job I could not get my teeth into you. I bet you would not have dared call Ben the rotti Ben the grotti no its just me all the time. Ben is a friend of mine now mind so before you call me names on the whole of the WEB for all to see think again Grrrrrrrrr.
John has said you are not well Diz If that is so, I am sorry, It possibly was a mistake just like mine Diz opps sorry.
This is Rex when he first came he was falling over on his back legs and his coat needed a good wash and brush.After a couple of weeks he became quite active and could walk as far as you want to take him. The picture on the right is Rex looking a lot better. The couple who adopted Rex drove all the way up from Bracknall a distance of 300 miles to adopt Rex who they had only seen on the Pawz site John met Stuart & Heather at Seaburn Beach where they stayed in the Pullman overnight and the next day they met John on the beach and took Rex home with them a total of 600 miles to give this old boy a home truly Kind Hearts.
Heather & Stuart have always kept in touch and sent photos of Rex to let us know how he is doing apparently with a football he is great Heather says you would think he was a three year old. They have booked a walking type holiday and are looking forward to walks with Rex. Heather sounds so nice I wonder If she would swap a Little Grumpy Bobby for a Rex.John said he does not think so it looks like even Stuart is pushed out of bed sometimes because Heather felt sorry for Rex the first night, and when he crept on to the bed she cuddled him in she said her heart went out to him. Now all we dogs know this is a big mistake for humans to make. You have cracked it when they say okay just for tonight, because you put that sad look in your eyes. I tried it with John it did not work, nor did it for Rex although my bed is at the side of Johns bed so I am quite close.Thank you Heather and Stuart for the way you both put your selves out to take this old boy on, and giving him your love.
Love Little Bobby
This is young Alfie he had an accident and had to have a plastic hip so he always stuck his leg out when he sat down.He was adopted by Ann & Chris to live with there other two dogs, Ash & Alfie got on and became great friends straight away.
They have sent a few pictures of Ash and Alfie since they adopted him 21-10-07 this one I think is great Alfie is determined to sleep with Ash even though she is taking most of the bed . Well isn't that just typical well my Bess would not have done that, he doesn't look comfy to me I would want all the bed. John & I thank you Ann & Chris for giving Alfie a great life and keeping us informed of Alfies progress.
Do not forget I need a home myself I am quite nice(sometimes)