Monday, 20 October 2008

Here is Spot in his new foster home loving the fuss he is getting from the children. John thought he would be OK with children but our Kids are much older so it is not a good test now. This little boy is 3 and the girl 6 so it is good to see that he likes children and is happy to lie and be fussed by them. I would hate it and as it helps dogs get a home if people see they are OK with kids this could be why no one wants me. I will have to get a photo of me with a little child. then every one will want me. Because John is getting on my nerves.


BenTheRotti said...

Ooohh spot has a set of his very own beans! how cool.

Bobby.. beans are great fun, i'm sure if you gave them the chance you would love them.. plus they always seem to find treats when miserable and miserabler have said I have had enough for the day!.. isn't that a GREAT reason to love beans??

Ben xxxx

Lindsay said...

Okay, Bobby, I'm going to tell it to you like it is, hear me? You are already IN your forever home! You're with the people who want and love you!

(The Girl gets on my nerves, too. Like right now, I want us to go outside. And she is refusing, saying it's too cold. She is a big whiner. AND we didn't get to go to the dog park this weekend either! Let's swap people!)

Brown dog kisses,